Despite being of advanced age and wearing an oxygen mask, an elderly criminal known as the Geezer Bandit or the Oxygen Tank Bandit has become the latest serial bank robber to emerge in California. He’s struck four times in two months, and seems to favor those bank locations inside grocery stores like Von’s, robbing two of those. I guess 70 is the new 45 when it comes to grand larceny!
Now, it is kind of funny to imagine a retiree on oxygen as a Cockney bank robber, but this guy is armed and presumed dangerous. He’s talked about having a gun, and in his last robbery, he showed that very same weapon during the robbery. At least this time he didn’t also bring his oxygen tank along.
Obviously he’s nothing to mess around with, even if senior citizens aren’t very physically threatening. However, I can admire his sense of dress. That is a very stylish outfit in which to commit felonies!
Image: Neatorama
Tags: Geezer Bandit, bank robber, elderly bank robber, criminals, unusual criminals, unusual crimes, Rancho Santa Fe, California, Oxygen Tank Bandit, senior citizen criminal