If you want to talk about crazy Christmas decorations, look past the deer with the decorated antlers and look at the following house. They’ve synced their Christmas lights up to the family Wii, popped in a copy of Activision‘s Guitar Hero 3, and have managed to put together the coolest Christmas display since, well… ever. It’s been dubbed Christmas Light Hero.
Now, I have Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii, and I investigated my copy to check out the note maps displayed on the LEDs on the garage door and the ones on the official Guitar Hero 3 version of Eric Johnson’s “Cliffs of Dover.” They got it. The kid could very reasonably play the song (on easy) just by watching his garage door lights. How cool is that?!
Tags: videos, youtube, fun videos, video games, Christmas Light Hero, holiday decorations, Christmas lights synced to Wii, Guitar Hero 3, Activision, musical Christmas lights