With a burst of fireworks and cheering, billions of people have gathered in millions of places to ring in the New Year. It doesn’t matter if you’re in Sydney, Hong Kong, Moscow, or New York, the way to celebrate the coming of 2010 is to blow something up, find yourself a party, and have a good time. If you don’t believe me, just look at the picture evidence from New Year’s Eve celebrations around the world!
Just a reminder: the cops will be out in force EVERYWHERE, so whatever you do, don’t drink and drive. If you’ve had a few too many, or if you’ve just had a few, play it safe tonight so we can all make it home from wherever we might have gone without criminal records or fatalities. If you don’t want to do it to protect yourself, do it to protect everybody else.
Happy 2010, gang. Hope your 2009 was awesome, and here’s hoping our respective 2010 is even better. If it wasn’t, now’s the time to make it so.
Tags: New Year’s Eve, Happy New Year, Hong Kong, China, Victoria Harbour, New Year’s Eve celebrations around the world