Jon Basso’s Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, Arizona, is a wildly successful restaurant. So much so that it inspired people completely across the country to open up their own unhealthy food restaurant. However, there comes a point in which imitation isn’t the sincerest form of flattery, but a direct assault on one’s business, and Basso believes the Heart Stoppers Sports Grill in Delray Beach, Florida, is coming after his restaurant idea. Because of this, he’s taken Heart Stoppers owners Iggy Lena and Bob Kutnick to court, suing them over the idea of a medical-themed burger joint.
However, if you believe Lena and Kutnick, all the two restaurants have in common is a medical theme and really unhealthy food. The Heart Attack Grill is staffed by naughty nurses and has trademarked names for their burgers, like the Double Bypass. Heart Stoppers Sports Grill is more of a family-style eatery and has expanded food offerings.
Still, Basso might have some ground here, as he’s found 30 similarities between the two restaurants and actually discussed the idea of franchising his restaurant to Lena and Kutnick. The fact that they’ve had discussions that both sides admit to is bad for Lena and Kutnick’s case, as it shows intent. However, it’s in the court’s hands now.
Tags: Jon Basso, Heart Attack Grill, Chandler, Arizona, Iggy Lena, Bob Kutnick, Heart Stoppers Sports Grill, Delray Beach, Florida, unusual lawsuits, copyright infringement, restaurant ideas