Beer is, without a doubt, the alcohol equivalent of bacon as far as miracle foods go. Bacon, as you know, is the perfect food for a hangover, so it goes without saying that it’s a perfect finisher to a night of beer consumption. However, according to researchers at University of California, Davis, that beer is actually good for your bones. Per capita, no drink gets more dietary silicon (a crucial component of strong bones and osteoporosis prevention) into the body than beer does, with India Pale Ales and barley-rich beer leading the way.
The thing that differentiates beer from the pack is not that it’s merely a lot of dietary silicon, it’s that it contains a lot of dietary silicon that the body can actually absorb. Bananas are rich in silicon, but the body only takes in about 5% of what gets eaten; orthosilicic acid (the silicon in beer) has a 50% absorption rate, meaning will get you the recommended 50mg of daily silicon intake.
Tags: health news, beer, beer is good for bones, bone health, alcohol, dietary silicon, Charles Bamforth, University of California Davis, beer is good for you, medical news, osteoporosis, orthosilicic acid