As it turns out, not everyone is looking forward to our Google-dominated future. Take, for example, this response from a couple of protesting frog men to the presence of Google’s Street View car in their street, mapping their homes for Google Maps. They’re pretty mad; mad enough, in fact, to hunt Google’s street view car with tridents in what has to be one of the funniest picture series I’ve ever seen!
Now, this might be some kind of protest. More likely, it’s just a couple of guys from Bergen, Norway, looking to have a little fun at Google’s expense and get their 15 minutes of fame by perpetrating a pretty spectacular stunt. They were successful, because the image of a couple of frog men in full rubber outfit chasing a car with spears like some demented primitive tribesmen chasing Indiana Jones will never cease cracking me up. They’re probably just trying to protect the Loch Ness Monster‘s summer home.
Tags: Google Street View, Bergen, Norway, frog-men chase Google car, Google Maps, funny pictures, unusual images, frog men, Google