It’s a modern day Romeo and Juliet story. Two lovers, separated by forces beyond their control, do anything and risk everything to be together. Romantic, right? Well, that’s the real-life story of a West German man named Daniele E. and his girlfriend. You see, she’s incarcerated on drug charges and currently a prison inmate. That didn’t stop Daniele; every night for weeks he broke into jail to spend the night with her, and didn’t get caught until his antics started to trouble the other prisoners.
Now Daniele’s in jail, too. Not just for breaking into prison, but for robbing some gas stations. Romeo and Juliet were more like Bonnie and Clyde!
Under German law, prisoners are allowed to have conjugal visits if authorities believe that the relationship is one worth preserving. Since his arrest, Daniele and his lady love have been denied their conjugal. Now that they’re both in jail, officials believe it’s best the two go their separate ways.
Tags: Bielefeld, Germany, Daniele E., German man breaks into prison, man breaks into prison to be with girlfriend, bad romance, man breaks into prison, unusual crimes, dumb criminals, crimes of passion