All Ernestine Jamison wanted to do was make a nutritious meal. It was nutritious, all right; when she tore open her bag of Pictsweet green beans and poured the contents into a bowl, she found a little more than green beany goodness in her bag. The frozen vegetables also contained the frozen head of an animal, believed to be either a snake or a frog! Mmm, protein!
Ms. Jamison’s daughter is the one who grabbed the camera and took some amateur video of the event, so she’ll be the one whose tape becomes Exhibit A in the eventual lawsuit over this. The green bean baggers at Pictsweet, say they’re responsible for the food, but not the decapitated critter. They also say it’s a frog head, not a snake head, as if that matters. A frozen head is still a frozen head, guys.
Now, I hate green beans, so like Ms. Jamison’s children, I’m going to use this as an excuse to avoid eating any and all green beans from now on. I’ll still eat all the other Pictsweet frozen vegetables (especially their sweet corn, which is great), but green beans are now on my “do not eat” list.
Image: Yum Gloss
Tags: frozen head found in vegetables, frozen animal head in frozen vegetables, frog head in green beans, snake head in green beens, Houston, Texas, Ernestine Jamison, Pictsweet, green beans