No, Internet, it’s not a trap! I repeat, NOT a trap. Since 2003, the University of Mississippi, AKA Ole Miss, has been without a mascot since their previous mascot, a Confederate by the name of Colonel Reb, was retired due to his plantation-owner manner of dress being potentially offensive. Since then, the Ole Miss Rebels have remained a team without a mascot, until now. An Internet drive has been started to give the Colonel a promotion to Admiral, and to change his race from human to Mon Calamari. That’s right, Admiral Ackbar just may be the next mascot of the Rebels of Ole Miss.
If you could somehow get George Lucas to sign off on this, wouldn’t this be the coolest thing the Internet has ever done? This would be more of a victory for nerd culture than Snakes on a Plane was! I’d love an Admiral Akbar Ole Miss shirt! I’m a Kentucky Wildcats fan through and through, but I’d love to join up with the Ole Miss Rebel Alliance, if only in spirit.
Tags: Ole Miss, Ole Miss mascot search, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, Admiral Ackbar, Star Wars character for Ole Miss mascot, Johnny Reb, memes, internet culture, Rebel Alliance