According to his father Walter, Andrew Koenig’s body was discovered on Thursday. The actor is believed to have taken his own life. A group of Koenig’s closest friends in the city invited Walter along on one last sweep of heavily-wooded Stanley Park, where Koenig disappeared, and the 11 of them finally located the Growing Pains actor’s body. He was found in the dense forset near a bridle path, invisible from the path itself.
Koenig had battled depression for most of his life, says his father, and that he stopped taking antidepressant medication last year. “We have already said what a great guy he was and a good human being,” Walter Koenig said at a press conference. “He was obviously in a lot of pain.” The elder Koenig urged other people with depression to get help, rather than make a choice for suicide, and further asked that the family and friends of those depressed offer their loved ones a helping hand, rather than ignoring the situation.
Image: People
Tags: Growing Pains actor found dead, Andrew Koenig, Andrew Koenig body discovered, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Walter Koenig, Stanley Park, eulogies, celebrities