What do you get when you take the best in Japanese high culture, the haiku, and mash it up with the best in Japanese pop culture, the giant kaiju monster? Well, quite simply, you get the brilliant Godzilla haiku macros of blogger Samurai Frog. You can find them at his blog under the tag Godzilla Haiku. I have to say, they’re both great haiku and great pictures of Godzilla. They’re like more serious LOLcats (LOLGodzillas?), but with Godzilla macros. I haven’t seen poetry and rubber suits mix this well since that open mic night at the underground bondage club.
Of course, they’re not strict haiku, because the haiku must be about nature. Godzilla, while ostensibly a gigantic radioactive lizard, isn’t exactly a natural creature. After all, there aren’t a lot of fire-breathing lizards out there. Still, they adhere to the 5-7-5 syllable structure, and Godzilla is awesome, so I’ll allow it.
Tags: Godzilla, monsters, kaiju, Toho, Godzilla haikus, literary mash-ups, poetry and monster movies, Samurai Frog, memes, pop culture, macros, lolgodzilla