In 1944, Fred Gough was a fresh-faced 18-year-old kid who got sent off to fight in a man’s war. He served his country well, no doubt, and did all that he was asked to do. For the 66 years since then, he’s lived a quiet life in Darlaston, England, until a recent bout of pain in his right leg sent him to the hospital. He thought, at age 83, he were merely getting arthritis in his hip. As it turns around, he’s been carrying around a German bullet for 66 years. Those old WWII vets are tough, like grizzled gray nails!
While Fred doesn’t remember exactly where he was when he was shot (as a grunt, he wouldn’t be privy to much big picture information), he does remember being injured in combat. In Fred’s words, “All I can remember is getting this thump in my thigh, but it didnt knock me off my feet or anything. It must have been a German soldier. Someone slapped a plaster on my leg and sent me back down the line. They just sent you to the back and off you went again.” He didn’t even have a big gut or fake breasts to turn aside the bullet, yet it didn’t slow him down!
Tags: Fred Gough, WWII veteran had bullet in his leg for 66 years, gunshot misdiagnosed as arthritis, Darlaston, England, weird science, medical miracles, shootings