Peter Antal had a problem. His town, the tiny town of Pecica, Romania, is a busy, vibrant town on the border between Romania and Hungary. As such, there are frequently cars traveling through it at all hours of the day and night. This creates as problem, as the biggest road to Hungary also runs right through the center of the town’s night life. So taking a cue from signs he saw in Germany, Mayor Antal installed drunk crossing signs. Emblazoned with a staggering figure holding a bottle, the signs warn in Romanian “Attention–Drunks” and are apparently there not to protect the drunks, but to protect innocent drivers. Talk about an unusual road sign for an unusual problem.
“In recent years… some traffic accidents (have) resulted, in some cases, even with deceased (people). We have thought about different options (on how) we can stop this and we decided that first step was to mount these signs,” said the mayor. “We must warn drivers that sometimes people who have little control over their actions can suddenly appear in the road.”
Tags: drunk pedestrians, Pecica, Romania, drunk pedestrian warning sign, unusual road signs, Peter Antal, signs, road warnings, attention drunks