While Buzz Aldrin has landed a good career post-space flight by landing on Dancing With The Stars, and John Glenn was in Congress between stints as the first man to orbit the earth and the oldest astronaut, respectively, not all astronauts are so lucky. It’s a tight job market, which is why Bigelow Aerospace is making an offer so few of the 50o or so experienced astronauts can resist: they’re hiring experienced space-walkers for their commercial space flight industry.
Apparently Bigelow need astronauts, ground crew, and maintenance staff for their commercial space station project. All kidding aside, given NASA’s big slate of recent cutbacks and the fact that America is about to be without a manned space vehicle, this is probably a great time to jump ship to the private sector. Plus, how often are you going to be able to get a job as an astronaut, anyway?
Tags: Bigelow Aerospace, Bigelow, company hiring astronauts, astronauts only job listing, experienced astronauts only, space travel, aerospace, manned space flight, commercial space flight