When someone targeted the Matsu Sushi Grill for a break-in, they weren’t after the $200 in cash in the register. They were much more interested in the contents of the freezer. Police in Hillsdale, New Jersey, say someone broke into the restaurant to make themselves some dinner. Chicken and rice was the meal of the day.
Authorities believe the culprit was a hungry homeless person. He (or she) got into the restaurant via the exhaust fan in the kitchen, cooked up a mess of chicken and rice, and then fled the scene with their meal. They left behind all the money in the business and a big pile of dirty dishes.
You know, you have to commend a guy like this for his… well, I don’t want to say honesty, since he broke into a restaurant and did steal food. His integrity, I guess. Yes, he was hungry, but he’s no common thief. He left behind the cash and the expensive frying medium. You have to admire his ability to resist temptation.
Tags: Hillsdale, New Jersey, unusual crimes, unusual criminals, hungry criminal, man breaks into restaurant to make chicken and rice, man breaks into Japanese restaurant to eat, man ignores cash in break-in, Matsu Sushi Grill