It’s a scene straight out of a movie. I mean, just how many times have you seen a movie where the criminal’s solution to breaking into a bank (or getting out of said bank) is via tunnel? It’s a cliche at this point, but it’s a cliche because it works. After all, that’s how a gang of thieves robbed the Credit Lyonnais bank on Avenue de l’Opera in Paris, France. The surprisingly smart crooks tunneled through a series of cellars to break into the bank, where they ransacked the safes before setting the place on fire.
This sort of thing has happened before. More than 30 years ago in Nice, France, a robbery dubbed the Spaggiari Affair occurred when Albert Spaggiari and his gang tunneled into a bank in Nice and spent two days and nights picking the place clean. No one knows what the Paris crooks got away with, but Spaggiari and company got away with over $32 million dollars worth of money and valuables. That’s a whole lot of silver spoons!
Tags: Paris, France, bank robbery, bank robbers tunnel into vault, bank robbers break in via tunnel, Avenue de l’Opera, Credit Lyonnais, unusual robberies, smart criminals, law and order, Spaggiari Affair-style robbery