The Frankenfish, or the snakehead fish, is one of the most dangerous fish you could possibly have to deal with. They’re tough. They survive anywhere. They can walk on land, breathe air in limited quantities, and have an appetite for meat and blood. They’re also coming to Australia, some environmental scientists fear, having invaded the coast of New Guinea.
And it’s not just the snakehead fish. It’s also the climbing perch, a fish that can (you guessed it) climb trees to get at what it wants. If you could somehow combine the two, you’d have an aquatic death machine the likes of which the world has never known (and a shoo-in to star in a multitude of made-for-SyFy TV movies). The danger isn’t so much to humans, but to native Australian fish and wildlife. Invasive species have already done a serious number on Florida’s wildlife; nobody wants to see that happen in one of the world’s most unique and diverse landscapes.
Tags: Fishzilla, snakehead fish, snakehead fish found in Australia, the world’s most dangerous fish, Queensland, Australia, invasive species, New Guinea, dangerous fish, invading fish