A diver has an unusual encounter with an octopus on Friday. It’s not often that these reclusive creatures are captured on film by divers, but it’s even more unusual when an octopus comes out of hiding to mug a diver and steal his camera. However, that’s exactly what happened to Victor Huang, the man who captured the video while free diving off the coast of Wellington, New Zealand. How crazy is that!
Unfortunately, for most of the video, the octopus’ sucker-arms get in the way off the lens, but there is still a little good video footage of the critter riding around on Victor’s spear gun. That’s what he offered up to the cephalopod to get it to give up his Panasonic Lumix TS1 underwater camera. Given how much trouble Victor has getting the normal-sized octopus to let go of his spear gun, imagine how tough it’d be to shake loose the arms of a Giant Octopus!
Tags: unusual animals, unusual videos, viral videos, octopus steals man’s camera, octopus steals diver’s video camera, octopus, Panasonic Lumix TS1, Victor Huang, Wellington, New Zealand