When cops in Perth, Scotland, found a lost purse, they figured they’d never see the owner again. After all, the purse they found contained a bag full of cocaine. If you lost a purse full of drugs, would you go to the cops to recover it? Katrina Purll did, and when she showed up and identified the purse, she was arrested for the drugs hidden inside her lost purse. That must’ve been a nice handbag.
Said a police source, “It seems not to have crossed her mind that the first thing we do with a bag which is handed in is have a good look through it. There was a small bag of cocaine and no one expected the owner to ask for it back.” That was either a really nice purse, or a really dumb chick that lost it. Either way, her attorney says that the drugs weren’t Katrina’s; she found them in the bar bathroom and was going to turn them over to cops before she lost her purse.
Right, and I’m the King of Canada. People don’t just leave bags of drugs sitting around… oh wait, they do. Well, they just don’t lose bags of drugs… oh wait, they do that too. Never mind.
Image: Grebo Guru
Tags: woman arrested for cocaine possession when she recovers lost purse, woman goes to cops to get purse with cocaine inside, drugs, cocaine possession, Perth, Scotland, Katrina Purll