In the early Renaissance, when doctors and other wizards were forbidden and human dissection for medical purposes was as illegal as human dissection for dinner purposes, doctors often turned to less than honorable means in which to learn about the human body, from illegal anatomy textbooks to even grave robbing. These days, med students don’t have to do that in most of the world. However, a couple of Romanian medical students killed and dissected a 65-year-old man in their apartment, so maybe it’s not the same all around the world.
Carmen Bejan and Sergiu Raul Florea, both 20, killed the man in Carmen’s student housing in Timisorara after he paid the girl for sex. The two ghouls stabbed the man 50 times, then chopped him up into pieces which they were moving into the trunk of their car when they were spotted and arrested by police. The two immediately blamed one another for the killing; both were found guilty of murder and profaning a dead body.
Image: corleyms
Tags: Timisorara, Romania, med students kill and dissect a person, med students kill their own cadaver, Carmen Bejan, Sergiu Raul Florea, med students kill and chop up man, vivisection, med student murders, unusual criminals, man stabbed 50 times