Tommy Gollick must be a great bowler. I don’t think he’s a professional bowler as I’ve never heard him, but he’s got to be good because the United States Bowling Congress has credited him with setting a new record after he threw a world record 47 strikes in a row at the Red Crown Bowling Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Gollick threw a 279 for his opening frame, then threw three perfect 300 games before quitting. He didn’t break his strike streak, he just decided he was done and walked away.
If you’ve already set a world record, why would you stop until your streak was broken? This is the kind of hot streak you have to ride until you cash out for good. It’s not like he’s leaving money on the table if he doesn’t get more strikes in a row. It’s insane to just say, “Well, I’m done. See ya,” after you’ve thrown 47 strikes; at the very least you have to push for a round number like 50!
Tags: records, US bowling record, most strikes in a row, bowler hits 47 strikes in a row, Tommy Gollick, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Red Crown Bowling Center, bowling records, unusual records, world records