Not all x-rays are as uneventful as Marilyn Monroe’s, even if most of them aren’t worth as much at auction. After all, x-rays are primarily used to diagnose problems, and I can’t think of many problems more troublesome than a knife stuck into your flesh. Environmental Graffiti has an awesome image gallery of the 10 most brutal injuries ever recorded on an x-ray machine, and boy, are they pretty severe.
Now the images themselves aren’t particularly disturbing, since they’re mostly x-ray images of people with nails stuck in them or people who’ve been impaled on swords, but the idea of the injuries is enough to merit the nightmare fuel warning tag. Especially the surgical equipment left inside the person’s body; that happens to be one of my biggest phobias and is one of the reasons I hope I never have to have any kind of surgery.
The kind of carnage people can survive is pretty amazing, isn’t it? If you’re lucky, then you’re lucky! Knowing my luck, I’ll die from sneezing too hard.
Tags: unusual images, nightmare fuel, horrific injuries, injuries caught on x-ray, unusual x-rays, medical marvels, unusual medical images, stories of survival, amazing injuries