It’s every parent’s nightmare. The child you brought home from the hospital and raised as your very own turns out to belong to someone else. That means your baby’s being raised by strangers, and you’ve been raising a stranger! It’s a bad situation, but it doesn’t have to stay bad for long. When a pair of 25-year-old Brazilian men, Dimas Aliprandi and Elton Plaster, realized they were switched at birth by a mistake at Madre Regina Protmann Hospital, they made the best of things and are now merging their families into one massive family unit!
“They discovered that Elton was the biological son of the man and woman that I had been calling Mom and Dad for 24 years,” Aliprandi said. “Meanwhile, Elton discovered that the couple he had always regarded as his biological parents were mine.” This discovery, after the shock wore off, didn’t cause any family distress, Aliprandi continues. “Instead it sparked a desire to join our families. Elton and I wanted to remain with those who raised us and with our birth parents. We wanted to expand our families.”
About a year ago, the Aliprandi family moved from their home in Joao Neiva to the Plaster family’s 35-acre farm in Adelson. The Aliprandis have built a new home on the land they were given, and now the two families live together as one on the farm, working together to raise their sons and feed their families. Amazing example of making lemonade out of some pretty tart lemons!
Tags: Brazilian men switched at birth, switched at birth, heartwarming stories, two men switched at birth merge families, Dimas Aliprandi, Elton Plaster, Madre Regina Protmann Hospital, Adelson, Joao Neiva, Brazil, families merge