Harry Potter is big business, and as the character has grown over the series of movies bearing his name, so has his marketing potential. The Harry Potter franchise is worth about $23 billion dollars now, according to Warner Brothers, and similarly-named knock-offs will not be tolerated. That’s why Warner Brothers Entertainment, the company behind Harry Potter, is suing Swiss condom manufacturer Magic X, the company behind Harry Popper, a line of condoms which features a cartoon condom logo waving a magic wand and bearing round-rimmed glasses that look awfully familiar.
Angry Warner Brothers lawyers hammered Magic X in court papers filed in Schwyz, Switzerland, Magic X’s home base. “The image of my client is in danger. This is clearly a reference to the film and fictional character Harry Potter. Everyone who sees the condoms automatically thinks of Harry Potter.”
I suggest both sides settle this debate on the Quidditch court!
Image: Defamer
Tags: Harry Potter, licensing, Harry Potter condoms, unusual condoms, Harry Popper condoms, Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc., Magic X, Schwyz, Switzerland, Swiss company sued over Harry Potter condoms, unusual packaging