It took Mimi Rosenthal 99 years to get the nerve up to get her first tattoo, but like any other habit, once you get started it’s tough to keep from going back to the well to get more. When she was 99, she got a dime-sized butterfly on one leg; at 100, she got a flower tattooed on her other leg. Now, at age 101, she got her third tattoo, a sunflower on her arm. And, if she lives long enough, she’s not done. It’s Seniors Gone Wild!
“It’s pretty,” said the world’s oldest tattooed woman of her new sunflower. As for her next tattoo location, Rosenthal joked, “Next time I’m getting it on my butt!” That’d be quite the challenge for Spring Hill, Florida, tattoo artist Michelle Gallo-Kohlas, who inked the elderly woman the three other times. “Her skin is so fragile, it’s like uncharted territory,” said the tattoo artist, whose most recent work on Rosenthal took a week longer than expected due to her fragile skin.
It’s like they always say, better late than never!
Tags: Mimi Rosenthal, 101-year-old woman gets tattoo, woman gets her third tattoo at 101 years old, elderly people, unusual people, unusual old people, Michelle Gallo-Kohlas, unusual tattoos, body art, tattoos, Spring Hill, Florida