Todd Magill, a struggling actor and wannabe writer and/or editor, wasn’t having much luck in the real world. After his graduation with an English degree from Fordham University, he went through the same problems most former English majors go through as he struggled to find a real-world application for his basically useless English skills. Unfortunately for Magill, he was too depressed and decided that it was time to end his pain by making a swan-dive off the top of the West End Towers, where he used to live. Fortunately for Magill, he survived his 39-story suicide dive because he landed on Guy McCormack’s 2008 Dodge Charger.
Magill, 22, suffered a broken ankle, shattered leg, and collapsed lung, but given the circmstances, he should be dead after such a huge fall. He plunged more than 400 feet and reached a top speed of 126 miles an hour, yet somehow by landing on that car, he lived. Said McCormack, the driver of the car, “I can’t believe this. My car saved his life.”
Tags: Todd Magill, Guy McCormack, 2008 Dodge Charger, man survives 39-story dive by landing on car, 39-story suicide attempt fails, man jumps off high rise and lands on car, unusual suicide attempts, stories of survival, medical marvels, West End Towers