Germans love their sausages. They eat millions of pounds of various wursts every year, with the new treat currywurst being the best of the wurst by far. Basically, it’s pork sausage covered in curried ketchup or tomato sauce, with extra curry powder sprinkled on top of that. You know, with health food like that, it’s surprising that Germany is the fattest country in Europe, but so they are. In an attempt to educate the citizens about the dangers of too much pork, the German government has created a giant plant maze shaped like a smiling curry sausage.
“The labyrinth aims to raise awareness of risks associated with food and its preparation,” said a spokeswoman for Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment on Thursday. “Visitors are asked questions on the way round the maze and if they give the wrong answer, they are led down the wrong path so that they learn from it.”
Or, if they don’t learn anything from it, at least they get a little exercise wandering around while trying to find their way out of the maze. If I ever start that Jimmy Dean theme park I’ve been thinking about, I’ll definitely have to incorporate a sausage maze. Sausage Maze would also be a great name for a gay bar.
Tags: currywurst, Currywurstfeld, educational sausage maze, maze designed to educate about sausage health risks, sausages, Berlin, Germany, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, sausage maze, unusual mazes, labyrinth, sausage-themed maze