If you’re looking for preparation for the ACT test, don’t look to one of the big test preparation companies like Kaplan or , just track down Jolee Potts, a student in Jenks, Oklahoma. While only 15 years old, Jolee has already gotten a perfect score on the ACT exam, scoring 36 out of 36 on the college entrance exam. She’s a high school freshman, and a bunch of the material on the test hasn’t even been covered in class yet. This wasn’t even meant to be a score that counts, just a practice test!
“I hadn’t taken chemistry or physics yet and there were a bunch of questions on that, so I guess I’m a good guesser,” said Potts. “My mom, she was really excited. I just wish my dad could have been here to see it. He passed away in March.”
She plans on taking the SAT test next year, though it’s not like she’ll need to take another standardized test to get into the college of her choice. After nailing a 32 on my first ACT and 1250 on my SAT, I stopped taking tests and started preparing for college. After perfecting the test, it’s probably best to just rest on your laurels.
Tags: standardized testing, ACT test, Jenks, Oklahoma, Jolee Potts, 15-year-old girl gets perfect score on the ACT, perfect score on the ACT, 36 on the ACT, unusual test scores, scholars, academics, college entrance test