American Idol, still a ratings powerhouse, is showing signs of age. The show has been on the air for 10 years now and continues to make money, but the ratings are off nearly 10 percent and the pool of good musicians is getting smaller and smaller (which might explain why the show has churned out some mediocre winners in recent years). Still, the show is a big deal, and Fox is doing anything they can to attempt to extend the show’s lifespan and bring Idol new energy, new dynamics, and new eyeballs. Hence, American Idol has added two superstar judges in Steven Tyler (lead singer of Aerosmith and member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) and Jennifer Lopez (movie star and platinum-selling R&B diva).
The only judge remaining from the show’s beginning is Randy Jackson. This is the show’s first year without key judge Simon Cowell; also leaving are last year’s experiment Ellen Degeneres and the woman that made Paula Abdul expendable, Kara DioGuardi. Of the many quotes about the show’s attempted transfusion of new blood, the best belongs to Newsday pop-music critic Glenn Gamboa. “It could all go horribly wrong and end faster than anyone would expect, or it could be reborn and extend its life for years,” said Gamboa. “They’re still trying to figure out what road it’s going to take.”
This might be tied into America’s karaoke burn-out. Singing contests are old hat now; a generalized talent contest is a little better, especially one without Idol’s restrictive age rules for contestants. Perhaps they bring together various Idol winners from here and abroad for a special season of International Idol?
Tags: American Idol, Fox, reality show, Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez become American Idol judges, two new judges join American Idol, new Idol judges, Simon Cowell, Kara DioGuardi, Ellen Degeneres, replacement Idol judges, Glenn Gamboa