When you pay several thousand dollars for a car, you want it to be reliable and dependable, as well as well-manufactured. However, if you’ve bought a BMW 5, 6, or 7 series, then you might be kicking yourself. BMW has announced a monster recall of some 350,000 Rolls Royce and BMW large-engine (V8 and V12) sedans over concerns about the braking system. Apparently, the more you use the brakes, the more relaxed they can become.
Rather than risk lives, BMW has decided to do a voluntary recall to repair the problem, rather than organizing a cover-up like Toyota did. “It’s a voluntary recall,” said a BMW spokesperson. “We took it upon ourselves. It affects large-engined 5, 6 and 7-series (BMWs) and Rolls Royce. The potential fault is a small leak that could develop in the power-assisted braking system … if there is a leak the car would lose some breaking power but should still be able to stop.”
Better safe than sorry, I’d say. At least they’re being up front about the whys behind their recall.
Tags: product recalls, products recalled, BMW recall, BMW, Rolls Royce, BMW 5-Series, BMW 6-Series, BMW 7-Series, Rolls Royce recall, automobile recall, cars recalled over faulty brakes, 350000 BMW and Rolls Royce cars recalled