It’s very rare that a man speaks at the Most Powerful Women Summit, yet for the 2010 edition of the event sponsored by Fortune magazine at Carnegie Mellon Auditorium, the speaker wasn’t just a man, he was the most powerful man in the world. Well, the most powerful man in the world in a political sense. US President Barack Obama was there, speaking to honor his wife, Michelle, who was just named the world’s most powerful woman. Unfortunately for President Obama, there wasn’t The World’s Most Powerful Screws there, as during his speech the Presidential Seal falls off the podium and lands on the stage with a thud!
Now, the seal of those offices is very well taken care of. That’s the symbol of a powerful government arm, like the FBI seal or the US Cyber Command seal. The Presidential Seal should never fall off the podium, yet Obama handled the accident with flying colors, quipping, “That’s okay; I think everyone here knows who I am.'”
Tags: Barack Obama, President Obama, Obama, missing Presidential Seal, Obama loses Presidential Seal, Fortune Magazine, 2010 Most Powerful Women Summit, Carnegie Mellon Auditorium, errors, accidents, Presidential Seal falls off podium, unusual images, funny images