Elizabeth Mort went to Jameson Hospital in New Castle, Pennsylvania, and delivered a healthy baby. Three days later, Lawrence County Children and Youth Services came to her home and took her newborn baby away. The county claims Mort failed a drug test, testing positive for heroin. Elizabeth Mort claims poppy seeds in a bagel caused her false positive drug test.
The baby has since been returned to its mother, but that doesn’t mean the conflicts is over. Mort has gotten in touch with the ACLU and she’s filed a lawsuit against the county for its rash actions. A state law says welfare officials can take children away from mothers who fail a post-natal blood test, in a noble effort to protect children from drugs and alcohol. Mort says officials should have listened to her side of the story before rushing to rip the babe from her arms.
This is why I avoid fancy bagels, like poppy seed. I might get myself a cinnamon or something, but otherwise? Make my bagel plain and untoasted, or else fear my bagel wrath.
Tags: New Castle, Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Mort, Jameson Hospital, poppy seed bagel, poppy-seed bagel, bagels, poppy seed makes mother fail drug test, bagel makes mother fail drug test, woman loses custody of her child because of poppy seeds, poppy seed failed drug test, unusual events, weird science