Xiu Ming Li wanted to promote his restaurant, the Jing Lung Chinese Restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. In that spirit, he went around the neighborhood, putting menus on doors. Unfortunately for Xiu, he went to the wrong house. When Xiu went into Samantha Sing’s yard, he was attacked by her three pit bulls and horribly mauled. Unfortunately for Xiu, the dogs were just doing their job, protecting their family.
There was a Beware of Dog sign, as well as a No Trespassing sign up on Sing’s property, which the 52-year-old Xiu apparently couldn’t read. “He doesn’t understand the concept of trespassing. He can’t read the sign,” Li’s daughter, Shih Ru Li, 26, told the Daily News. “My dad could have lost his life. He had pieces of meat gone from his limbs. His earlobe is gone.”
Here’s the kicker. Xiu has lived in America for 26 years, and he couldn’t read English enough to understand Beware of Dog? I can understand not being good at speaking the language, or good at reading it, but simple signs like that he can’t comprehend? How’s he supposed to pass a health inspection?
As for Sing, her three were taken away by the Animal Care and Control Center. Of the three, Solo and Maxie Drizzle are healthy and should be returned shortly; Joe suffered a heart attack in police custody and has passed away.
Tags: Jing Lung Chinese Restaurant, Xiu Ming Li, Samantha Sing, Brooklyn, New York, man mauled by three pit bulls, Joe, Solo, Maxie Drizzle, Animal Care and Control Center, pit bull attack, trespasser attacked by pit bulls, accidents