If you’re like me, then you probably like potatoes. I probably eat something potato-based 3-4 times a week. They’re really healthy for you, if you prepare them the right way, but they tend to get a bad rap for being unhealthy. Chris Voigt of the Washington State Potato Commission is looking to change public perception of the potato, so he’s planning on an unusual positive publicity stunt. Voigt is going to eat nothing but plain potatoes for two months.
Voight has already started his plan, which kicked off October 1 and runs through November 29. He was checked out by his doctor, and has been consulting with a nutritionist, who said that the potato diet would be perfectly acceptable. While potatoes are low in vitamins A, B12, E, calcium, and selenium, they’re a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, and protein (if you eat 10 of them per day).
Voigt is planning on chowing down on 20 potatoes a day to meet his calorie-intake goal. That is a whole lot of spuds to stuff in your face, especially if you’re not mashing them, frying them, baking them with toppings, or eating anything else in addition to them. These aren’t even purple potatoes, just regular Russet potatoes.
Tags: man eats 20 potatoes a day, all-potato diet, man eats nothing but potatoes for 60 days, Chris Voigt, publicity stunts, potatoes, potato, Washington State Potato Commission, plain potato diet, weird diets, fad diets, unusual stunts, strange foods, Russet potatoes