Pedro Soria Lopez, an unemployed security worker, has had a lot of time to practice, which is why he’s the new champion. Or rather, he’s the first champion of a sleeping contest held in Madrid, Spain. Pedro Soria Lopez dozed off for 17 minutes in the middle of a busy shopping mall to win Spain’s first siesta contest. Not only did Lopez sleep for 17 minutes, his snoring also reached 70 decibels, earning him bonus points for loudness. Those points are what pushed him over the top.
“Oh I am so happy to be the first champion,” said Lopez, born in Quito, Equador. “My wife made me do this, but then they couldn’t wake me up. Naturally, the lunch I had before with the 7 euros ($10) they had given me helped.” Lopez, for winning the contest, collected a $1400-dollar (or 1000-euro) prize for his ability to nap. Two American tourists claimed second and third place during the 9-day contest.
The goal of the contest is to revitalize the traditional Spanish custom of the siesta, or mid-day nap. “People are so stressed out they can’t take siestas any more,” said spokesman Andres Lemes of the National Association of Friends of the Siesta. “Studies show it’s a healthy practice that recharges your batteries.”
Tags: siesta contest, napping contest, sleeping contest, Pedro Soria Lopez, Madrid, Spain, National Association of Friends of the Siesta, Andres Lemes, traditional Spanish customs, traditional siesta, sleeping contest held in shopping mall, unusual contests