There have been some adorable mutants on Popfi before. I’m thinking specifically of the four-eared kitten in Russia. However, giving the adorable mutant cat a run for her money is an even more adorable mutant baby chicken. Drumstick the chicken was born with four legs, thanks to a double yolk in her egg when she was developing.
Drumstick was born to poultry farmer Kevin Horner of Noonamah, Australia. The 59-year-old man has been a breeder for years, turning out over 100,000 chickens in his time, and he’s never seen a chicken with four legs. That’s what’s saved Drumstick from the frying pan; Horner will be keeping his strange new mutant as a family pet, rather than a family meal.
You know why he’s doing that, right? He’s hoping he can genetically engineer chickens with twice as many drumsticks. It’s like KFC’s dream!
Tags: Drumstick, four-legged chicken, chicken with four legs, mutant chicken, adorable mutant chicken, four-legged chick, Kevin Horner, Noonamah, Australia, unusual animals, mutant animals, double yolk, unusual chickens, unusual pets, four legged chicken to become pet