It only took them two days to come to a decision, but the government has officially closed the book on the mysterious missile-like contrails that appeared off the coast of Los Angeles nearly two days ago. Despite the fact that they don’t know what the plane was that caused the condensation trails, the government has joined civilian authorities in agreeing that the missile contrails were simply those of a jet viewed at a weird angle. The Pentagon contacted various sources, checked the radar records, and did some phoning around before deciding that the contrail was simply a jet.
“All of those factors together leave us pretty confident that this was a contrail caused by an aircraft,” says Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Col. Dave Lapan.
Meanwhile, contrail expert Mick West filled in all the details that the Pentagon can’t seem to find out themselves. “”It’s coming more or less straight towards you and it’s in level flight,” says West, who runs a website dedicated to contrails. “It’s not climbing. It’s not descending. It’s probably around 35,000 feet. The same CONTRAIL that looks like a rocket – from the side it, just looks like a CONTRAIL passing by. I’ve got a fairly good idea that it was U.S. Airways flight 808 from Hawaii,” he says. “Honolulu to Phoenix.”
Tags: Los Angeles, California, condensation trails, contrails, Dave Lapan, Mick West, US Airways flight 808, contrail officially caused by airplane, missile launch debunked, missile contrail debunked, LA contrail mystery solved, contrail caused by airliner