I don’t know anything about Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley, but I know enough about the pair from my few exposures to MTV’s hit reality show Teen Moms to know that Amber is the kind of person who should not be raising a child, or even having children. Long story short, she’s a crazy, violent, abusive, and manipulative shrew who ought to go to jail for the things she’s done to her boyfriend/baby-daddy Gary. Police agree and have brought domestic violence charges against Amber Portwood for her abusiveness towards her boyfriend, which was captured on tape and aired on television by MTV.
“According to police documents, on August 14, 2009, Portwood shoved Shirley against a wall, slapped him on the face and choked him,” said Madison County police spokesman Mitch Carroll said. “The incident was witnessed by the couple’s 1-year-old child who sat in a child seat on a nearby bed.” It was also witnessed by several million MTV viewers, as it was aired as part of an episode of Teen Mom, during which Portwood was shown “slapping Shirley five times, punching him three times, and kicking him at least once.”
Portwood faces felony charges related to domestic violence. The charges carry penalties up to 3 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, but I guarantee you Portwood won’t do any time in jail, simply because she’s a woman. The fact that she’s also a TV star will help her avoid the real possibility of jail that a normal person would get for such violent behavior.
Tags: Teen Mom, MTV, reality television, reality TV star charged with domestic violence, domestic violence caught on tape, Amber Portwood, Gary Shirley, Madison County, Anderson, Indiana, Mitch Carroll