If you listen to the Internet, the image is a hoax. Much like the Google-chasing frogmen, the image of a woman giving birth that was caught on Google Street View’s cameras is believed to be fictional. However, there’s no telling with Google. So many real-life things are caught by those cameras that there’s no way to tell what’s real and what’s not. Still, the Google Street View image of a woman giving birth on the side of a road in Wilmersdorf, Germany, is spectacular.
If it’s real, it’s a life-changing, amazing shot. If it’s fictional, it’s an incredible display of timing and planning on the part of the hoaxers. No matter how it goes down, I’m amazed. Either way, this is really impressive. You can’t hate the player, just the game, and if this is a hoax (and I kind of think it might be), it’s a brilliant one.
Tags: Google Street View, unusual images, Google Street View images, woman captured giving birth on Google Street view, hoaxes, woman giving birth on google street view, Wilmersdorf, Germany, unusual google street view images, woman caught giving birth