In the National Football League, every game is a fight. You’re not only fighting to win, you’re fighting for your job, your future employment chances, your next paycheck, and your pride as a professional. However, sometimes the fighting goes past metaphor and becomes reality, like when NFL players Andre Johnson and Cortland Finnegan exchanged fists and harsh words during last night’s game between the Tennessee Titans and the Houston Texans.
Johnson, a wide receiver for Houston, and Finnegan, a defensive back for Tennessee, spent most of the game meeting one another head on. Eventually, tempers flared and the two had a knock-down, drag-out fist fight right there on the field, the likes of which you rarely see in football. This was as violent as a women’s soccer fight, though shorter in duration. However, neither Titans coach Jeff “The Stache” Fisher or his Houston counterpart were terribly concerned about the fight giving their league a black eye.
“They’re just very competitive, I mean, two Pro Bowl players that expect a lot out of each other,” said Texans coach Gary Kubiak, “and before the day is over they get kind of tired of each other. I just think it’s a great battle. That’s what our business is about. You know, you don’t want things to get out of control like that, though. Two great players that need to be on the field, not off the field.”
Image: Fifth Down NY Times
Tags: Andre Johnson, Cortland Finnegan, NFL, National Football League, Andre Johnson fight, Cortland Finnegan fight, Tennessee Titans, Houston Texans, football, fights, football players fight, unusual videos, football fight caught on tape, Jeff Fisher, cheap shots, Gary Kubiak