The health benefits of a good nap can’t be overstated. As it turns out, sleep is important for just about every function the body undertakes, and recent research proves that once again. A recent study took 23 healthy adults. Pictures were taken of them after a good night’s sleep, and again after they were forced to stay awake for 31 straight hours. The pictures after the good night’s sleep were rated as being more attractive than those taken after the 31-hour forced awakening period. As it turns out, getting a good night’s sleep makes you more attractive.
“A good night’s sleep does not only improve your physiological health, it will also make you look healthier and more attractive, which in turn improves the chance of better treatments in a wide range of social situations,” said Dr. John Axelsson, an associate professor of clinical neuroscience at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. “We propose that sleep is a cheap and effective beauty treatment, both acutely and in the long-term. Sleep should be seen as the body’s natural beauty treatment and a clear alternative or complement to other beauty treatments.”
Tags: weird science, unusual health news, John Axelsson, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, the human body, sleep and attractiveness, sleep makes you more attractive, a good night’s sleep makes you better looking, sleeping increases attractiveness, sleep science, surveys