These days, you can barely find anyone who does anything by hand. People write everything on computers, if only because computers store information efficiently, correct your spelling and grammar, and are generally more legible than human handwriting. However, before computers, the way to write something official was to type it on a manual typewriter. On Saturday, Type-In: A Pleasant Afternoon of Manual Typewriting, a gathering of manual typewriter enthusiasts, will be taking place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The event has been organized by manual typewriter enthusiast Michael McGettigan, and will take place at Philly’s Bridgewater’s Pub. The goal of the gathering? To use your manual typewriters to type holiday correspondence, using provided typing paper and envelopes! That means they’re supporting two dying mediums, snail mail and manual typewriters! About a dozen people have RSVP’d so far, and attendees are encouraged to bring additional typewriters to loan, sell, or trade.
Tags: Type-In: A Pleasant Afternoon of Manual Typewriting, Type-In, typewriter celebration, manual typewriters, Bridgewater’s Pub, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Michael McGettigan, manual typewriter fans, unusual gatherings, typewriter convention