If there’s one thing I’ve proven during my time here at PopFi, I’m a big nut for natural phenomenon. I’m something of a skywatcher, despite not having a telescope. If I can go outside, look up at the sky, and see something cool, I’m there. However, while I love a meteor shower, there’s nothing better than a lunar eclipse. It’s big, hard to miss, easy to look at, and a pretty regular occurrence. The last lunar eclipse of 2010 is slated to happen in the wee morning hours of Tuesday on December 21, 2010.
The total eclipse is expected to begin at 2:41 AM Eastern Time and will run all the way until dawn, according to NASA’s eclipse tracking website.If you can’t get up early, then surely you can stay up late. Even if you miss the biggest moments of the eclipse, I’m sure you’ll be able to see something strange. After all, the sun is setting at like 5 PM these days, so just go outside after dinner and you’ll probably get a free light show.
Tags: lunar eclipse, eclipse, last lunar eclipse of 2010, December 21 is the last lunar eclipse of 2010, nature, space, natural phenonemnon, astronomy, moon eclipse, space phenomenon, unusual events, skywatching, NASA, NASA lunar eclipse