There’s a lot of stuff people would do for the right amount of money. When an Israeli man allegedly offered 24-year-old Taiwanese dancer Sophawat Ueamduean cash to do a little drug smuggling using her body, she took him up on the offer. In order to smuggle drugs into Thailand, Sophawat Ueamduean swallowed 1280 Ecstasy pills in 90 packages. That’s an entire pound of drugs in her system, worth a staggering $50,000!
What gave Sophawat away was her nervousness. When she was given a body search at the Bali airport, authorities discovered that her stomach was hard. Not hard with muscle, hard with plastic-wrapped pills. Unfortunately, she was caught red-stomached trying to smuggle drugs into one of the most restrictive nations on earth. Under Thailand’s strict drug penalties, Ueamduean faces the death penalty for smuggling her narcotics into the country.
Tags: Sophawat Ueamduean, Bali, Thailand, drug smuggling, body smuggling, woman swallowed 1280 Ecstasy pills, ecstasy, woman swallows 90 packages of pills, woman smuggles one pound of pills in her stomach, woman swallows 000 worth of pills, narcotrafficking, narcotics