If you’ve been checking your email account regularly, perhaps you’ve noticed a trend. Spam emails are on the decline worldwide. In August, there were 200 billion spam messages delivered on a daily basis; in December, that number dropped to 50 billion. That’s a drop of 150 billion spam messages in 5 months.
“So if a campaign is not getting the returns they want, they can stop, regroup and try something else,” said Carl Leonard, a researcher at security specialists Websense. “For years there have been predictions that e-mail spam is set to decline, but for as long the spammers can generate profit from their activities, it’s not going away.”
In recent months, several massive email spam collectives have ceased their operation, including Rustock, Spamit, Lethic, and Xarvester. Spammers are being attacked in court by legal crusaders and email inboxes are smarter about fighting spam messages. Perhaps the business of spamming isn’t as profitable as it once was and that’s what’s driving the amount of messages down.
Tags: global spam email totals drop, email spam totals drop, email spam levels drop, Websense, Carl Leonard, online security, email security, email spam levels drop to 50 billion, email spam drops by 150 billion, spam, technology news, unusual technology news, email spam drops by 150 billion in 5 months