Despite being only one month pregnant, Samantha Wittstruck firmly believed that her daughter would never see the light of day. After all, while pregnant, Samantha Wittstruck was caught in a tornado where, upon regaining consciousness, she discovered she was crushed beneath a dead cow. Despite the tornado and the cow-smashing, baby Skylar Schwab was born a healthy and happy 7 pounds 9 ounces; she got her name in honor of the tornado survival story. And here I thought people only got hit by cows in bad movies!
“We figured ‘Sky’ was too short, so we chose Skylar,” said proud new mom Samantha. “It was a big part of her life and she survived it.”
Skylar is the first baby of the new year to be born in Madena; she is also considered the youngest survivor of the Madena tornado that hit the town in June. As her due date approached, Madena’s residents chipped in, donating clothes and even crafting a quilt with cows on it for the new baby. No matter what happens, that’s a child that’s got a story to tell at school, to say the least!
Tags: Skylar Schwab, Madena, Minnesota, Samantha Wittstruck, baby named Skylar after surviving a tornado, baby survives being hit by a cow in a tornado, baby survives being crushed by a cow, pregnant woman survives being crushed by a cow, stories of survival, unusual survival stories, miracles, pregnancies