It was a quick trip for New Jersey resident Luisa Gill. The 21-year-old was to fly down to the Dominican Republic, fly back to America via Boston’s Logan Airport, and then she’d be significantly richer thanks to her work as a drug mule. That said, Gill didn’t quite get away with it. Luisa Gill was busted with 50 condoms full of cocaine in her stomach. She was rushed to the hospital, where surgeons extracted the drugs from her stomach.
Amazingly, Gill was caught by airport security after appearing jittery during a customs investigation. I’m very, very unsurprised that someone with $50,000 worth of cocaine in her stomach would appear slightly jittery, aren’t you? All together, Luisa Gill swallowed nearly a whole pound of cocaine. Granted, some people have swallowed more cocaine, but 50 condoms of drugs is nothing to sneeze at (because if you sneeze you might break open one of the condoms and die).
Tags: Boston, Logan Airport, Luisa Gill, woman busted with 50 condoms of cocaine in her stomach, drug mule, woman caught smuggling 50 condoms of cocaine, woman swallows 50 condoms full of cocaine, Dominican Republic, woman swallows a pound of cocaine, woman smuggles a pound of cocaine into the US via her stomach