If you’re a driver, you know that sickening feeling when those red and blue lights flash from behind you, that siren wails, and you’ve got an expensive traffic ticket coming your way. If you’ve never been pulled over, you’re a better person than I am. I got pulled over once, and once was enough for me. That sickening feeling happened to 27-year-old Nicole Scott of Sandusky, Ohio, on Monday night after a trip to the bar. When she saw police lights, she pulled over. Unfortunately for her, Nicole Scott pulled herself over after mistaking skating rink neon for police lights.
Ms. Scott, who was arrested once the real police arrived, pulled off the road and got herself lodged in a snow bank. A passing motorist called the cops, who then swooped down on the drunk woman before she was able to dislodge her car. Fortunately, no one was hurt by the alleged drunk-driver. The only casualty was Ms. Scott’s pride.
Amazingly, Ms. Scott claims she was not drunk at the time she was arrested, nor was she drunk when she ran her car into a snow bank.
Tags: drunk driver pulls herself over, dumb criminals, drunk criminals, drunk driver pulls over after mistaking lights for police lights, drunk driver pulls herself off the road, drunk drivers, Nicole Scott, Sandusky, Ohio