Where one person might see the year 2012, another might see a more ominous tone. The nation of Iran, who sees Jewish conspiracies under every rock, in every haircut, and around every corner, has found another pro-Jewish conspiracy, this time imbedded in the promotional materials for London’s 2012 Olympics. Iran has accused the London Olympics of being a Zionist conspiracy after reading the 2012 logo as ‘Zion’, which is a popular slang term for Israel. Iran has written an angry letter to the International Olympic Committee in an attempt to get London castigated over their offensive logo.
Here’s what Iran’s official news organization, the Student News Agency, said in a press release concerning the issue: “As internet documents have proved, using the word Zion in the logo of the 2012 Olympic Games is a disgracing action and against the Olympics’ valuable mottos. There is no doubt that negligence of the issue from your side may affect the presence of some countries in the Games, especially Iran which abides by commitment to the values and principles.”
If that makes sense to you, then you’re as crazy as the Iranian Olympic protesters, whose mystery Internet documents have thus far have not been revealed. I can only assume that is because Iranian government interests are currently hurrying to create said documentation in some kind of secret government Photoshop lab.
Tags: London, 2012 Olympics, London 2012 logo, 2012 misinterpreted as zion, Iran accuses London 2012 Olympics as Zionist conspiracy, Zionist conspiracy, logo seen as Zionist, conspiracy theories, Jews, Jewish conspiracy, unusual conspiracies, mistaken identities, International Olympic Committee