See this face? It’s the blurry visage of the most common man on earth. Think of him as the exact opposite of the guy from the Dos Equis commercials; that guy is exceptional, this guy is literally the face of humanity. He’s the sum of what results when you make a composite out of the earth’s 7 billion people. This Han Chinese man is the face of Planet Earth and the focus of Anthropocene: the Age of Man. He looks strange because he’s a composite of 7,000 different individuals, each respective of one million members of human kind.
He’s Han Chinese (19 percent of the population, versus 14 percent Indian and 4 percent American) and speaks Mandarin (13 percent of humanity, with 5 percent each going to English and Spanish, so he’s probably bilingual). He’s about as likely to live in a rural environment as he is an urban environment (49 percent to 51 percent in favor of Urban). He’s literate (82 percent of Earth’s population is literate in their native tongue). If he’s got a job, it’s in the service industry (40 percent, versus 33 percent for agriculture and 22 percent for industry).
Tags: the face of seven billion people, composite of 7 billion people, facts about the earth, population facts about people on earth, the face of earth, anthropocene, average facts about humanity, the most average human on the planet, hypothetical average man, population facts